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Basheer Alharthi

Enterprise Excellence Expert


Consultant and Mentor

Hello! I am an enterprise excellence expert, from Saudi Arabia, Taif city. I have rich experience not only in Enterprise Excellence but also in Programming. Also, I've been working as a CTO for many companies and organizations. I had my master degree in Computer Science major. I love to talk with you about our unique experience.

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About Me

My story

Starting at age 11, as a Business young Boy who were selling fireworks and some games is the best life gift for myself. Years later I noticed to be among those who are in the top of their fields I have to mimic their good behavior. I started from what I cold do. Learning and deploying what I gain is the big secret in my life. I work hardly and smartly. I'm proud to say that, I am businessman, programmer, and enterprise excellence expert. 
If you are willing to take your organization to the next step then you are in the right hand. my team and me will study your organization and come up with the best values and  practices to apply in it. 

let's work together!

  • Age: 43
  • Residence: KSA
  • Be your partner: Attainable, Find out
  • Address: Taif, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Phone: +966560038566
  • E-mail:


Working with


What I Do
Enterprise Excellence
العمل المؤسسي- التميز

Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service to improve quality and reduce waste. Enterprise excellence is the application of quality standards and continuous improvement principles that are necessary for an enterprise

Coaching & Mentoring التدريب- التوجيه - الإشراف

My experience in coaching starting 2003. I can do coaching either on camps or online. In 20014 I starting mentoring other people and small businesses. In 2020 my trip of leading the improvement in big organizations started. 

CTO مستشار تقني

As a CTO me and my team can do things like web development process includes: web design, web content, client-side / server-side scripting and network security configuration.


Studied at

Language Skills

Speaking, Reading and writing
  • اللغة العربية

     اللغة العربية هي لغتي الأم لغة القرآن

    اللغة العربية أكثر اللغات السامية تحدثًا، وإحدى أكثر اللغات انتشاراً في العالم،  يتحدثها أكثر من 467 مليون نسمة . انتشارها  في ازدياد مع استخدام الدول العربية للقوة الناعمة

  • English

    The Ability to Communicate in More than One Language is the difference. My native language is Arabic however, I'm also good in communicating with other using english language too. 



Latest works


Let's talk together

    Full name *

    Email address *

    Message *

    Basheer Alharthi
    Consultant & Mentor
    • Age: 43
    • Residence: KSA
    • Work together: Available
    • Address: Saudi Arabia
    • Phone: +966560038566
    • E-mail:
    Basheer Alharthi

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